
Let The People Sing

At the end of 2021 a couple of local residents who are in recovery and involved in local CA (Cocaine Anonymous) and NA (Narcotics Anonymous) groups, approached Connecting Craigmillar about the lack and services and support for people affected by addiction in the community, and their desire to challenge this and set something up.

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Let There Be Light Edinburgh

Currently dear Edina, this beloved capital, City of Literature, World Heritage and Enlightenment, is suffering from what some have come to refer to as an ‘Age of Endarkenment’. Like many other fine cities, in these times of ‘austerity, post-truth and zombie capitalism’, the Council is selling off valuable public assets without any public consultation to discuss alternative options while supporting soulless speculative ‘development’, described as ‘architectural wallpaper’, the cumulative effects of which are now seriously threatening the World Heritage status of the City. Read more

Connecting Craigmillar

Connecting Craigmillar aims to create opportunities for local people from Craigmillar and Niddrie to meet, have fun, learn together, run your own activities and events, form new friendships and develop lasting social change. Are there changes in the area you want to see and be part of ? Bored and want to try out something new ? Would you like to meet some new people in your community ? Have you got a passion, idea or skill you would like to share ? Looking for support from others who have been through the same things as you? How can we re-build connections and support each other out of the pandemic? Read more


This new research project explores how Zines ‘craft contention’ about mental health – and can help to turn individual struggles into critical issues for society. We have been identifying, analysing and co-producing a diverse range of what we collectively refer to as MadZines. We are interested in the potential of MadZines to challenge prevailing psychological, psychiatric and medical understandings, diagnoses and treatments. We are excited by their potential as a unique form of psychiatric survivorship, offering new and evolving repertoires of contention for progressive mental health movements.

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Daoism Way of Life

China is one of the most ancient civilizations in the world and the only one that has remained unbroken up to the present time. Moreover, China’s written language, which dates back more than three thousand years, can still be read today. Over two thousand years ago one of the great heroes of ancient China made a written record of all knowledge as it was then known. His name was Sima Qian (died 86 BCE) and he was the Royal Astrologer at the court of Emperor Wu. It is from his Book of History that we first hear the story of Laozi (which means Old Master) and how the philosophy known as Daoism came to be written down.

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Diversity in Medicine and Health

As the Chair of the Diversity in Medicine and Health Group I am delighted to welcome you to our website. The focus is currently on the learning and teaching of diversity to medical students to help them deliver high quality care to patients from diverse backgrounds. However, we are aware that this applies equally to the training of students in all health disciplines and also applies to postgraduate trainees. Read more

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