This website was built for the Ragged University project and the communities which constitute it. It is a free education project inspired by the Ragged Schools of the Victorian era. Putting on various learning and social events, the website needed a lot of functionality and opporunities for interaction to support community activities via publishing and promotion. It is the Ragged University project which gave rise to the Social Server initiative, so that the community education could get a funding stream.

Package Features included:
Linked Domain and Hosting
Theme Featured on ThemeForest
Events calendar system
Maps and directions system
Fully integrated Stack Exchange forum system
Community badges and points system
Post feed grid display
Full package hybrid server caching
Website and Server Security Hardened
Firewall and Denial of Service Measures
Google Analytics Integrated
Energy efficiency measures
Image Optimization
Spam Protection
Google and Bing Sitemap Linked
Extended Content Management System
Extended Comments system
Social Media Linked
Social media autopost
Backup and Restore Website
Performance Report:
Security Report: