The Scottish Centre for Tagore Studies (ScoTs) was created to promote, research and celebrate Rabindranath Tagore’s life, works and impact. It is the first UK hub of its kind dedicated to the to the life and works of Indian Nobel Laureate Rabindranath Tagore, the first Asian Nobel Prize winner for Literature awarded in 1913. Inaugurated by Edinburgh Napier University’s Institute of Creative Industries, ScoTs was initiated through a memorandum of understanding between the Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) and Edinburgh Napier University in November 2011.

Package Features included:
- Linked Domain and Hosting
- Award winning theme
- Post feed grid display
- Full package hybrid server caching
- Website and Server Security Hardened
- Firewall and Denial of Service Measures
- Google Analytics Integrated
- Energy efficiency measures
- Image Optimization
- Spam Protection
- Google and Bing Sitemap Linked
- Extended Content Management System
- Social Media Linked
- Backup and Restore Website
- Audio Restoration and Mastering
- Multimedia Podcasting
Performance Report: